Walter usually drives me in one of his two vans but today was Monday and both personal cars and tourist vans with tags ending in 1 or 2 are not allowed on the road. Yes, it’s a coronavirus prevention tool, keeping more people off the roads and out of the towns. Well, he has 2 vans and both were disqualified, so he had to use his taxi today (no limit on taxis), meaning his driver Cristian had the day off, like it or not. Only 40 km of the road from south of Boca Tapada to the lodge is gravel, but you notice it more! 🙂
Downtown Boca Tapada All Farm Land Man with Machete & Dog
Typical Roadside SightsPineapples the biggest cash crop in the area. Fernando Waterfall at Cinchona Sharing road with cows. Our Taxi parked in front of “Jalapeno Central” Alajuela for Lunch.
¡Pura Vida!