The newest “Made in Costa Rica” Movie is Güilas by Tico artist/photographer SERGIO PUCCI. In pure Spanish “güilar” is “to guide” – In Costa Rica slang, “güila” = kid or child This is a collection of 7 stories of 7 kids, one from each of the 7 provinces of Costa Rica I saw at Cinemark Cinema, City Mall, Alajuela, Costa Rica |
TRAILER & Guilas Making Of:
MOVIE WEBSITE: http://guilaslapelicula.com/
Tico Times Article in English:
First La Nacion Article (with videos): (use your translator to read in English)
Second La Nacion Article (with videos): (use your translator to read in English)
“The intention of the film is to highlight Costa Rican identity through the experiences of these kids, with an infancy full of games and mischief, outside in the fresh air,” said Editorial PUCCI in an email this week.
Wow! A beautiful movie! You know how “coming of age” movies are usually big in the states and also funny kid movies – Well Sergio Pucci took that concept plus the beauty, variety and adventure of Costa Rica combined into a 7-part (7 stories) about the 7 Provinces of Costa Rica through a day in the life of a child in each of these very different provinces. Magnificent! The photography, the kids, the country, the real life growing up experiences, the cultures and the color.
If you live in Costa Rica, this is a must-see movie! And if not, well watch the arts theaters, specialty TV, or maybe on DVD someday soon. Of course it is in español, but the stories speak a universal language making the words almost unnecessary!
¡Pura Vida!