They are ever-present and often noisy but still an interesting bird.
Continue reading “Chachalaca”Gray-headed Chachalaca
The “resident big bird” in Roca Verde neighborhood with a lot of them is the Gray-headed Chachalaca (eBird description link) and you can see some of my many photos from here and other locations in Costa Rica in my Gray-headed Chachalaca Gallery.
Continue reading “Gray-headed Chachalaca”Missed Chachalacas
After breakfast on the terrace 2 juvenile Chachalacas were playing in my Guarumo Tree, so I got up and retrieved my camera, coming back to empty tree limbs – they flew away! 🙂 And that was to be today’s post, but you can see lots of them in my Chachalaca Gallery. 🙂
So then I walked through the main part of my garden looking for butterflies and the one I saw would never stop for a photo, so as happens so often, I photographed flowers. I love the tropical flowers here! And yes, all are repeats but today’s flowers were each a delight to me this morning anyway and a lot prettier than Chachalacas! 🙂
More flowers in my Flora & Forest Gallery!
¡Pura Vida!
I possibly have more photos of this species of bird from my yard than from any other location, though I have seen them all over Costa Rica. It is a large chicken-sized bird that usually moves in flocks, but this one was solo at breakfast this morning in my Guarumo or Cecropia Tree (Wikipedia article).
When together as a flock they chatter a lot and thus the fun nickname here of “Chachalacas” for a group of people chattering or all talking at the same time. 🙂
There are two types in Costa Rica, this Gray-headed Chachalaca (link to Neotropical Birds site) found only in Central America from Honduras to the beginnings of Columbia, and the rarer Plain Chachalaca found here only in parts of Guanacaste (our Northwest Province) which I am yet to see or photograph.
On the Neotropical Birds site be sure to listen to their calls which is what wakes me some mornings! 🙂 And for more of my photos of this bird, both in my yard and other Costa Rica locations, see my photo gallery Gray-headed Chachalaca. Another one of my tropical friends here! 🙂
A chattering Good Morning from Atenas, Costa Rica!
¡Pura Vida!
Morning Intruder
Yesterday morning I had an intruder in my house during breakfast. The sliding glass doors to my terrace stay open all day when I’m here but I close the sliding screen doors except for during breakfast when I’m in and out a lot for coffee, etc. Yesterday for the first time a juvenile Chachalaca just like these two photos made earlier flew right by my breakfast table and into the house. (A youngster exploring!)
I went inside and hollered at him which just scared him further back into my bedroom. I then opened the other door, a regular door into my garden (for multiple exit options), then walked calmly into my bedroom to the opposite side as he went under the bed and back out the other side away from me, then immediately flying back outside through the big door.
Kind of amusing. He of course was afraid of me and the house, just a kid exploring! The only other bird to fly in has been a little Rufous-naped Wren inside my house which I made photos of then. This time I just wanted the chicken-sized bird OUT! 🙂
See my photo gallery of Gray-headed Chachalacas or my total BIRDS gallery. 🙂
I believe the world is incomprehensibly beautiful — an endless prospect of magic and wonder.
¡Pura Vida!
Attack of the Chachalacas
Check out my photo gallery BIRDS.
Chachalacas in Guarumo Tree
Two Gray-headed Chachalacas in the Guarumo Tree at my Terrace My Garden, Atenas, Costa Rica Note that the orange blooming tree is more than 100 yards away on a hill. |
Closer view of one Gray-headed Chachalaca My Garden, Atenas, Costa Rica |
Chachalaca & Church
Gray-headed Chachalaca Flying over and into my treetops for breakfast today. Roca Verde, Atenas, Costa Rica |
Central Catholic Church Atenas, Costa Rica |
Central Catholic Church Atenas, Costa Rica |
I walk by this beautiful, simple church building almost every day.
More Chachalacas!
Friday morning in tree behind my neighbor’s house. This is another juvenile Chachalaca among adults and kids chattering. Atenas, Costa Rica |
Adult Gray-headed Chachalaca Atenas, Costa Rica |
Adult Gray-headed Chachalaca Atenas, Costa Rica |
They were lower in the tree than at my house the morning before and thus a little easier to photograph when not behind leaves where they were most of the time! 🙂
Ser chachalaca – to talk too much
Gray-headed Chachalaca juvenile Atenas, Costa Rica |
Gray-headed Chachalaca Atenas, Costa Rica |
Gray-headed Chachalaca Atenas, Costa Rica |