Home Business Sign: Auto Detailing

Auto Decorations?
Of course this image makes you think of your car.
And adding decorations, audio, alarms, etc.  🙂
Atenas, Costa Rica

Across the street from the Sports Park one young man runs a business out of his garage or more likely out of his parents’ garage. And every morning he carries this portable sign out to the curb to attract other young men fortunate enough to have a car (not many). He basically adds unnecessary accessories to your car, I guess to attract women like this. Interesting home business.

Before he gets up and puts the girl out, his closed business.
Atenas, Costa Rica

I’m growing a new photo gallery: Home Business Signs – Atenas

The cars we drive say a lot about us.
~Alexandra Paul

La Muchacha

West End 3rd floor landing balcony, La Muchacha & door to my apartment.

In the dictionary, “muchacha” is just another Spanish word for girl, but in real life Costa Rica it is more; what the young men call a good-looking young lady, like “chick” in the states. My taxi driver in a barrio of San Jose whistled at a couple of teenage girls, looked at me, smiled, and said “Barrio’s Muchachas!” Well, we have one at Hacienda La Jacaranda too – at my front door!
“Muchacha” is what two-year old Matthaeus in the apartments calls the only statue in our building. It is a wood carving of a nude girl (sun worshipping?) that stands on the west end 3rd floor landing right across from my front door and and my neighbor’s door. Hmmmmm . . . you say! Well, it’s just art! Phons, the previous owner, loved nudes! (Has more around his house.) And I didn’t put it there! Wait until you see the paintings he put in my living room! But for now enjoy these photos of Matthaeus’ Muchacha! 🙂 Our wooden chick!
Carved from one piece of wood, dated 2004.

Looks like sun worshipping to me!

You hardly notice it when you walk up the hill.
Today I had lunch with a couple and their lady friend from New Jersey. Tomorrow I’m taking the retired man birding on the Tarcoles River. My first time to get that far away from Atenas for nature photography. I’m looking forward to it. Lots of birds tomorrow!