Whose Eating My Bananas?

The other day I grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl on my counter to cut up on a morning bowl of cereal and there was a chunk missing. I did not think Geckos ate fruit nor any insect was big enough to do that – so it is still a mystery or I was wrong about Geckos! For now my bananas are in the frig!  🙂

Tropical Living!

“Professional” Landscape Photos

See this article about an Italian Landscape Photographer here with 10 of his photos. Some of his landscapes I haven’t seen yet. And my equipment is not as good. But I will end up having most of these photos in time except for the time lapse at Poas. Not my thing. Also note that beneath that first beach photo is a web address to his website with a 360 degree image of that same beach which is really cool!

My March trip was partly to get this photo, but a closed trail stopped me.
I will go back and make my own photo one of these days!
Rio Celeste Waterfall
Tenorio National Park, Costa Rica

And for some of my “amateur” landscapes, see my Vistas gallery or my Waterfalls gallery. 


LOCAL REPORT: The rain is bringing in some new bugs and while typing I just watched one of my geckos eat one. They are little with long wings, chase the light, and pester me! Life in the jungle!  🙂