The Tayra

The Tayra, Eira barbara (linked to  Wikipedia) is a tropical mammal in the weasel family native to Central and South America. He was also featured recently in the Tico Times article Meet the Tayra (with camera trap videos). You can see more of my photos in my Tayra GALLERY. In Spanish he is called many different names, depending on the part of Costa Rica you are in. Two of the more common Spanish names are: Tolomuco and Perico Ligero.

Here he is stealing a banana from the fruit feeder of the Esquinas Rainforest Lodge and is my first one to photograph “in the wild.” I have seen one before only in captivity as shown in my gallery. It is said that some indigenous people kept them as pets to help eliminate rodents. They are omnivorous. Read more in the two linked articles above.

Tayra, Esquinas Rainforest Lodge, Parque Nacional Piedras Blancas, Costa Rica
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