1940, First Year of Marriage & My Birth

Simply put, I have little to no information about the first year of marriage for Mom & Dad. From letters and the scrapbook I do know that by the time I was born Dad switched from working for the hotel to working in his first clothing store which became his life work. It was Mays Cash Store in Warren and later switched to West Brothers which was next door, but maybe after my birth. I have little else, not even letters, which Mom did not save during that year. The first bit of mail, photos or other information found comes at my birth on July 4, 1940, ten months after their marriage and just a little more than a year after Mom graduated from Fort Smith High School. Family has begun!

Volume 1 of My Photo Biographies, Birth to 30


Click image to see free electronic preview of the book online in my bookstore.

“Rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life.” –Albert Einstein

¡Pura Vida!

In 2013 I wrote the following poem to celebrate my birthday, printed on my photography from a 2005 trip to The Everglades National Park.

Photos: Jan. 7, 2005 in the Everglades, Sky on the Anhinga Trail & flag at Flamingo Visitors Center.

¡Pura Vida!

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