On the River Again

First thing this morning I meet guide Evon at the Reception Desk and we drive to the boat dock for what I know has to be a better boat trip with always more birds in the mornings. Well it turned out to be maybe more but not a lot more, just a lot of different birds which is very good and worth the trip! I was especially pleased with photographing Crested Guans, Rough-winged Swallow, Green Ibis, Lattice-tailed Trogon and a Hook-billed Kite, among others.

We were then late for breakfast at Selva Verde and I treated Lavon with breakfast at a local Soda. Then when I returned to Selva Verde I decided to try the self-guided trail again, expecting it to be better in the morning (a la 10). Sure enough! I got more photos of Crested Guans here plus some wonderful close-up shots of a Pale-billed Woodpecker, probably my best yet of him! Also some fun lizard shots I haven’t identified yet. So a good morning!

Yesterday was too long and busy, so relaxing the rest of today and looking forward to my visit to La Selva Biological Station tomorrow morning for maybe the best birding yet (say some people). Then I head home.

Last night’s “Night Hike” was mainly about hiking in the mud in lodge-provided high boots. We saw some sleeping birds, lots of different frogs, an opossum, lots of insects, and probably something else I’ve forgotten. We went across the swinging bridge in the dark to the lodge’s primary rainforest across the river. Very interesting including a nice little waterfall with frogs around it. And of course the interesting people from all parts of Europe and North America. But for birding I still prefer my solo trips!

Levon helping another night hiker get wading boots.

Sorry, forgot to make any cellphone photos on the boat trip. Here’s one of the boardwalk to my room and one of a silk cotton tree on the trail near my room.

The red wood I thought was cedar is
actually almond tree wood.
I’m typing this at lunch while watching a Yellow-throated Toucan just below me eating bananas at the feeder. I’ve gotten so many toucan photos that it is no big deal anymore. That has been the most seen big bird here this week. I’m posting this now so I don’t have to bring the computer to dinner tonight. There is no Wifi in the rooms, only lobby and both restaurants.  Pura Vida!